Why connecting your plastics extrusion shopfloor with RE:

You lack an overview of your production? Say goodbye to siloed solutions and isolated machines. We help you to get the best out of your data, easily and effectively:
1. RE: connects all applications and machines in your factory.
You get a digital overview of your entire production.
2. RE: replaces isolated databases with a central ‘single point of truth’ for all data.
All youremployees get access to the same data from everywhere.
3. RE: ensures that you can easily compare data and benchmark your production.
You do notmiss anything important and always see the parameters you are interested in.
4. RE: provides you with easy-to-use analytics tools for deep data insights.
You learnto better understand your data and use it to increase your OEE.
5. RE: helps you to reliably save all production data from the first to the last meter.
The solution is installed on your premises. You remain in full control of your dataat any time!